Review Cards: CSS3 Styling and Imagery Shortcuts

1. How do you constrain a background to only appear behind an element's content?

background-clip: content-box

2. What is the third value in the box-shadow declaration below known as?
box-shadow: 3px 3px 2px #333333;

shadow blur

3. Which declaration will render an image completely grayscale?

filter: grayscale(100%)

4. What are multiple background image URLs separated by?

The url() entry for each background image file path is separated by a comma.

5. What other CSS property does column-rule work similarly to?

Column-rule takes on values the same way that the border property does.

6. What two properties are required to use @font-face?

src and font-family

7. What does the column-span property do?

let an element go across all columns

8. What property creates a multiple column setup?
